Sunday, February 21, 2016

Weed Barrier - When to Use and not to Use

Mulch & Weed Barrier Combo is a for sure No No in my book. When you put the mulch on top of the weed control fabric, the mulch decomposes & turns into topsoil. The weeds then start growing on top of the weed control fabric, the roots of the weeds find their way through the fabric, get firmly rooted into the soil. Then it can not be easily removed, Making it extremely difficult to remove old mulch before adding new. 

There is a right time to use Weed Barrier & that is with rock & really then it is more of a Rock barrier then it is for weeds. The fabric keeps all of your expensive rocks on top of the dirt and keep them from sinking into the mud. Why doesn't weed barrier keep weeds out of rocked landscaping? well your "new" rock comes straight from the landscape supply yard "washed" but still has dust on it, when it rains that dust settles to the bottom of the rock and lays ontop of the fabric. Then decomposing grass clippings, & leaves add to the organic matter, which if the grass is mowed away and the landscape blown out afterwards will help slow this down. Finally there is the dust when the wind blows, not much at a time but it also adds to that layer. 

To conclude, there is no magical carpet that keeps weeds out. If you see a landscape bed that is weed free, that is because time or funds were invested to keep the maintenance up on it

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

When, How & Why to water your Grass

One should start watering the grass when the spring rains slow and the summer heat sets in. There should be atleast 1inch of rain a week on your lawn to keep it healthy, of course temps, soil condition can alter the amount of water required. 
- When watering a lawn it’s best to apply at least one inch of water to each area before moving your sprinkler to  another area.  This causes the roots to grow deeper iunstead of sitton on the top layer of soil.
- The ideal time to water your lawn is early in the morning just as the sun starts to rise or slightly before.  If you water when the sun is high in the sky you will lose a lot of water to evaporation before the water even has a chance to reach the grass & a chance of burning it
 - DO NOT water your lawn in the evening right before sunset. Pythium Blight is fungal disease that attacks lawn grasses. It’s found in both warm and cool climates and will attack  your lawn at night, during periods of high humidity.  Evening watering greatly increases your chance of inviting this disease into your lawn.In the morning this disease looks like cotton candy on your  lawn, and it turns the grass slimy and greasy and will kill  certain varieties of grass.It’s easily prevented by watering only in the morning.
This is a Lawn we do Full Service for. These pictures were taking at the worste of a droubt in the summer of 2015. Just look at the neighbors yards on both sides & both of them watered as well.  Its all about the right Fertilization schedule and Watering & your yard can look this good in droubts too with only 1 inch of water a week.

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